On a quest to bring about lasting and impactful societal change.
We partner with international and local organizations, national and county governments in providing effective SBC solutions.

This is a 5-year project (2016-2020) funded by USAID. The goal is to provide enhanced access and utilization of quality Family Planning, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (FP/RMNCAH), Nutrition and WASH services in 2 counties (Samburu & Turkana) in Kenya. The partners are Africa Medical Research Foundation (AMREF), Communities Health Africa Trust (CHAT), The Inter-Religious Council of Kenya (IRCK), Centre for Behaviour Change and Communication (CBCC). AMREF is the lead partner, CBCC AFRICA is responsible for the Social and Behavour Change component.
The project has 2 main target audiences, which include:
• The caregivers
• The Adolescent and youth
The ‘Nkaing’onisho’ and ‘Arwon’ campaign (which mean ‘Ushujaa’/’heroism’ in Samburu and Turkana respectively) for the caregivers focuses on 5 thematic areas, which include; Maternal and Neonatal health, Child health, nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Family planning.

- Health
- 2016-2020
- Samburu & Turkana
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