
DigiRedio A Behaviour Change Platform

CBCC runs the DigiRedio Behaviour Change Platform, which is a platform that facilitates dialogue between multi-sector players and the public.

The purpose of the platform is to educate, amplify community voices, catalyse action, create social accountability, enhance participation at all levels for sustainable development primarily through a network of radios and social groups.

DigiRedio platform has a network of 50 community radio stations spread across 30 counties in Kenya. There are over 250 journalists and radio presenters who are locally connected and are in touch with the issues that affect the communities around them. These radio stations broadcast in the local language reaching about 9 million Kenyans daily.

Community radios are a trusted source of information and are actively connected to listener groups which allow them to carry conversations beyond radio. The DigiRedio platform gives us an opportunity to share standardised audio resources.