Community Owned Resource Persons resource package on Gender Based Violence

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  • Community Owned Resource Persons resource package on Gender Based Violence

In June 2021, the Government of Kenya made a valiant decision to end Gender-Based Violence (GBV) including sexual violence by 2026. When making the announcement, Kenya promised to intensify its campaign to end these violations by undertaking a series of 12 bold commitments that would remove the systemic barriers that allow GBV to thrive. 

The purpose of the World Bank funded assignment is to work closely with the Ministry of Health team, the Gender Technical Working Group and various stakeholders, to develop a Gender Based Violence sensitization package and Information Education and Communication materials for communities and Community Owned Resource Persons (CORPs).  

This is aimed at scaling quality and empathetic Gender Based Violence (GBV) care in Kenya especially at community level where there is delay in seeking of professional help and normalization of GBV. The assignment covers all forms of Gender Based Violence as they are all human rights violations​: physical violence, sexual violence, socio cultural violence, economic violence, emotional and psychological violence.  

Category: Gender Based Violence 

Client: NASCOP, World Bank CHERP  

Date: 2023 – 2024 

Location: National, Kenya