
Back to school and prevention of violence against children

Community Engagement Through Digiredio Social And Behaviour Change Platform

Biotisho adolescent integrated nutrition project

Improving Nutrition Status of Adolescents through an Integrated Multi-Sectoral Approach

Two way covid-19 risk communication & community engagement through radio

The digiredio social & behaviour Change platform Visit digiredio website below

National COVID-19 Vaccines Demand Creation Campaign

Campaign was designed to increase trust, acceptance and enhanced COVID-19 vaccine

Demand Creation for COVID- 19 Vaccines in Nairobi County

Designed to contribute to enhancing vaccine uptake through a community led, data driven, collaborative and local capacity strengthening SBC approaches in selected sub- counties in Nairobi County

Improving Nutrition Status of Adolescents through an Integrated Multi-Sectoral Approach

Background: Samburu has 25.8% adolescents aged 10-19 years at 94,386 (CIDP, 2019). These adolescents are exposed to multiple multi-sectoral risk factors that have a negative impact on their ....

Two way covid-19 risk Com. & community Engagement through radio

DigiRedio is a Social and Behaviour Change platform that facilitates dialogue between multi-sectoral players and the public to educate, amplify community voices, catalyse action, create social accountability, and enhance participation at....