Case Studies

Radio station inspires community fightback against Covid-19

Radio station inspires community fightback against Covid-19 Bungoma has registered relatively low numbers of Covid-19 infections. This can be attributed in no small part to the high-energy concerted campaigns in the county and other counties in western Kenya by the county and health authorities in conjunction with the media. Authorities…
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Mombasa residents slowly to come terms with Covid-19

Mombasa residents slowly come to terms with Covid-19 It’s taken a while but Mombasa residents are reluctantly accepting that Covid-19 is spreading among them and putting their lives and health at risk. Initially slow to accept the virus’s existence and the danger it posed to their lives, the residents of…
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Combat stigma with facts, says Prof Lukoye

Combat stigma with facts The story of Sarah Mwangi makes for an astonishing and alarming occurrence where people’s fearful response worsens a Covid-19 situation. Twenty-nine year old Sarah was infected with Covid-19. While at a health facility, her neighbours were phoning to tell her to move out of their neighbourhood.…
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Stigma complicates fight against Covid-19

Stigma complicates fight against Covid-19 Just how does Covid-19 associated stigma present itself? Horribly, according to the experience of Sarah Mwangi. Twenty-nine year old Sarah came down with Corona virus after meeting a friend who had just jetted into the country. The friend flew in on March 17, 2020. Straight…
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Radio stations reap big from Tumaini Hewani broadcasts

Radio stations report huge, unexpected benefits Radio stations that ran the Tumaini Hewani broadcasts report huge, unexpected benefits including increased listenership. Conversations with several stations indicate that the broadcasts led to a significant increase in their listenership figures and a widening of the demography they serve. The most dramatic outcomes…
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