Case Studies

Piercing through fake news to deliver life-giving jab

Piercing through fake news to deliver life-giving jab Psychologists have defined conspiracy theory as “a subset of false narratives in which the ultimate cause of an event is believed to be due to a malevolent plot by multiple actors working together.” gh the phrase apparently existed since the 1800s, it…
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Back to school as Wajir County braves COVID-19

Back to school as Wajir County braves COVID-19 “The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear,” said Nelson Mandela. These words perfectly fit Wajir County’s handling of Covid-19. One of the highest recommended weapons against the deadly virus is washing of…
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Parent’s fears and courage in the face of COVID-19

Parent’s fears and courage in the face of COVID-19 The recent, much-reported outbreak of violence in schools could be a withdrawal symptom in students reacting to the sudden loss of their COVID 19-given “freedoms” according to Racheal Ndungu, a parent and a teacher. Figure 1 Racheal speculates that the violence…
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Slum school’s hope despite COVID-19 avalanche

Slum school’s hope despite COVID-19 avalanche Every morning as he rushes to work, alighting from a matatu or sometimes from a boda boda (motorcycle taxi), Eric Omondi is thinking, planning and debating on how to meet the myriad of challenges facing the people under his charge. Figure 1 Head teacher…
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