Kenya Tukae Chonjo

The Centre for Behaviour Change and Communication through UNICEF Kenya support, is implementing a COVID 19 Vaccine Youth Engagement and Empowerment specifically seeking to explore youthled engagement and action to increase uptake of COVID-19 vaccination. The program seeks to vaccinate young people in groups while ensuring inclusivity and promoting a sense of unity in the fight against COVID-19. The goal of the project aims to create vaccination clusters based on age, gender, and interests, and then target them through digital and radio platforms. This is in an effort to normalize life together and encourage a collective effort in combating the COVID 19 

The project focuses on enhancing local capacity and promoting communitydriven solutions through training media personnel and facilitating exchanges for social and behaviour change. It also emphasises datadriven approaches by conducting studies and utilizing evidence-based strategies to inform decision-making and develop effective communication materials for a COVID-19 vaccine demand creation campaign. A Social and Behaviour Change Campaign Twende Pamoja’ was developed with messages and materials to provide accurate, relevant, and contextually appropriate information about COVID-19 vaccination. The objective is to influence the knowledge, attitudes, norms, beliefs, and behaviours of community members, particularly young people, to encourage vaccine uptake.  

Category: Emergencies – COVID 19  

Client: UNICEF 

Date: 2022 – 2023 

Location: Nationwide, Kenya